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Daily Challenges - Extra fun thing to do.


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3/18/20-Create a color wheel using things from around the house.Then take a picture and send it to my school email.

3/19/20-  Do you like to recycle? Using found objects around the house, make a robot sculpture! Give it a name. Send me a picture of your sculpture

3/20/20- Online Activities/ Artists : Go to this website and create an online Abstract work of art  .Experiment!!!!

3/23/20-  Draw a giant tree-house. What interesting things would be in it? Be creative!!

3/24/20- Design a roller coaster.

3/25/20-Draw a fishbowl with a really crazy fish in it.

3/26/20- Draw an emoji on how you feel today.

3/27/20- Draw your favorite superhero

3/30/20- Draw a alien dancing

3/31/20- Draw a animal with wings,but this animal normally wouldn't have wings. ex rabbit

4/1/20- Draw a candy garden. Be creative with different types of candy. 

4/2/20- Draw your favorite meal.

4/3/20- Design a cute or funny t-shirt.


4/13/20- Design a card for someone you love and send it to them.

4/14/20- Draw your favorite cartoon character.

4/15/20- Create a new form of transportation.

4/16/20- Draw your favorite toy

4/17/20- Draw something in your bedroom

4/20/20-  Design a watch that is colorful and cool.

4/21/20 Design a Skateboard.

4/22/20 Draw a creepy insect.

4/23/20 Draw a picture only using geometric shapes.

4/24/20 Draw a Treasure Map

4/27/20- Draw a Bouquet of flowers

4/28/20- Draw a a superhero named after a food (Pizza Boy)

4/29/20 - Draw a  new movie poster to a movie you like.

4/30/20 -Draw a food you DON"T like as a giant monster

5/1/20 - Go outside and draw something you see.

5/4-8/20 Draw a picture or a cards to send  teachers of your choice. Don't forget to do one for your MOM for Mother's Day:)

5-11-20 Design a water park

5-12-20 Draw a full bubblegum machine full of colorful bubblegum

5-13-20 Create a beautiful butterfly that is symmetrical

5-14-20 Draw a car out of fruit and vegetables

5-15-20 Draw an animal you like in pants or a hat


5-18-20 Draw a bird and where it lives

5-19-20 Draw a picture of something on your kitchen counter

5-20-20 Draw something you want to do over the summer


Online office hours 9:00-10:30 am



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